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April 14
Making the move to Teams

​Hello everyone!

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend. We're making the move from Freshgrade to Microsoft Teams- here's a link to a video that shows you how to use your student email to sign in to, check your email, and where to find all the most important pages on Teams:​

If you have any trouble signing in, accessing your student account, or any other tech problems, send me an email to with a different email address and we'll get you sorted out. The first week's newsletter is up on Teams as of yesterday. I also posted it on Freshgrade for any students who are having trouble getting started on Teams. This will only be temporary; we will not be using Freshgrade after April 20th.

Give my welcome post a thumbs up to let me know you made it to Teams! :) 

April 03
A note for my English 122 and 121 classes (April 3)

Hi Everyone, 

I have sent out an email to all your parents/guardians and added them to my contact list. If your parent/guardian has not received one yet, please have them email me at to have them added to the list. I am asking all of my English 122 and English 121 students to send me an email from their preferred email address (it does not have to be your nbss account, it just has to be one you check regularly!) so I can have an up-do-date contact list for all of you.

I am encouraging everyone to check out FreshGrade  for all new announcements and to stay up to date on any future materials and learning options I send out. If you do not have access to FG, I can email you that material directly- just let me know! 

To log in to FG, you can bypass the login screen by clicking "I have an account" under the green button that reads "View Portfolio". At the bottom again, click "Go to District Login" and use your student login and password- the same one you would use to log in to the school wifi.

Stay safe and take good care of yourself and each other :) We will be in touch!

-Ms. W

January 19
PDCP Exam Review answers
August 31
Welcom to PDCP 10
I have sent home a small form asking you to share parent email with me. I would like to communicate directly with parents throughout the semester.
The following is what your students will bring home.:
Dear Parent/Guardian
Your son/daughter is taking Personal Development and Career Planning 10 this semester and I would like to be able to send you important information/updates throughout the semester.
A.     Could you please send me an email with your son/daughters name and period.                                                                        
B.     Fill in the following:
Son/Daughters Name:     _____________________________________
                                             Parent Email:                     _____________________________________


January 31
PDCP Second Semester

PDCP Course Outline 2017.docPDCP Course Outline 2017.doc

Welcome to Personal Development and Career Planning 10. I look forward to a great semester. I encourage you to check back here for important notices, assisgnment reminders, etc.

Mrs. Berry :)

January 18
PDCP Exam Review Answers and Exam Format

Exam Review 2017 ANSWERS.pptxExam Review 2017 ANSWERS.pptx

Please see the exam review answers and the format of the exam. There is also suggestions of what topics may be included in section of the exam. 

October 26
PDCP Relationship Assignment

​Students had a choice in selecting an assignment based on an important relationship. They have an outline of what they need to do based on their choice. 

Due date: Friday Nov. 4th 

October 12

​Students are nearing the end of the Career Planning unit. They have had two major assignments:

Career Cruising Research Project Part I and II

Cover letter, resume, and reference page

Some students still have outstanding work and will want to get it in asap.

October 12
Career Exploration 110

​Today my students start their work placement. Career Explor Calendar 2016-2017.docxCareer Explor Calendar 2016-2017.docx

Attached you will find an updated calendar with all important dates for the rest of the semester. 

September 22

​Students have been working on Career Exploration. They did a "Who Am I" brochure during self assessment and currently are working on researching career options and post secondary training and education options. This will conclude with a two part project to hand in. 

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