WEC Nackawic High School > Guidance > Posts > $3000 bursary for students who are pursuing their post-secondary studies in French!
January 27
$3000 bursary for students who are pursuing their post-secondary studies in French!

The Bursaries for Postsecondary Studies in French as a Second Language Program encourages young, English-speaking Canadians to enhance their bilingualism while studying in a field of interest.

 Eligible Canadian students and permanent residents can receive $3,000 for their first year in a college or university program in Canada by studying in French.

 For more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbxX-stTlGY

 Fill out the form at the following link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/DesignPage.aspx...

#BoursesFLS #FSLBursaries

The coordinator’s contact information is below and she would love the opportunity to talk to you (via Teams or Skype) about the many programs offered at CCNB if anyone is interested in pursuing their studies in French.

 It’s rewarding to be bilingual!    


Chantal Saucier

Agente de liaison au recrutement étudiant • Réussite étudiante • Siège social

C.P. 70, 35, rue du 15-Août, Edmundston (Nouveau-Brunswick) E3V 3K7 CANADA

Téléphone : 506-838-4795  •  Cellulaire : 506-838-4795

chantal.saucier@ccnb.ca  •  ccnb.ca  •  Facebook  •  Twitter  •  LinkedIn 

vision • passion • succès​


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