FEC Nashwaaksis Middle School > Teachers > Posts > Mr. Gallant Wednesday, October 17/18
October 17
Mr. Gallant Wednesday, October 17/18

6C is still collecting food for the food bank

School Safety Week - We practiced a fire drill today and also we did our school evacuation to Park Street. Tomorrow is a practice school lockdown.

6A Mathno homework other than a test on Input and output charts on Monday. We will review Thursday and Friday in class

6B Math - no homework other than a test on Input and output charts on Monday. We will review Thursday and Friday in class

6C Mathno homework other than a test on Input and output charts on Monday. We will review Thursday and Friday in class​

7A Math - no homework. Today we figured out how to multiply decimals and will practice this again tomorrow

6B Science -  Finish your Arthropod Classification Chart


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