FEC Nashwaaksis Middle School > Teachers > Posts > social studies' assigment due!
November 05
social studies' assigment due!

​Good morning, parents.

Just a final reminder that the 'three-generation' assignment is due for today. Students were suppose to hand in a blue sheet on Friday. I simply made a new fresh copy of some of the questions from the original package and had them rewrite a final copy in class. I told them that it would be the focus of their mark plus the visual piece. Many students did hand it in on Friday but not eveyone. Please ask them about this blue sheet tonight.

We are starting a new unit today. My goal for this unit will be to have the students take better notes and to try to stay on track. For this assignment I found that some students lost sheets and notes while others did not always stay on task.  I hope to be able to help them more for the next round.

That being said ... I am seeing students walk in right now with some pretty amazing Bristol boards!!!! Great way to start the week!!!

N. Johnson


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