FEC Nashwaaksis Middle School > Teachers > Posts > 8A PIF Interview of the Past project
January 14
8A PIF Interview of the Past project

Students in 8A Post Intensive French class, created a list of 12 questions and assisted in creating the grading rubric for a French Interview project.  This was assigned on December 14th with the hope that students would have the chance to interview a family member or family friend from a previous generation, over the holidays, about what life was like for them at your child's current age.  In order to meet the minimum requirements, students only need to provide 3 French questions/answers from their interview.,  Please ask your child if they are done this project.  I am allowing a second extension until Thursday, January 17th.  Thank you for supporting your child with their learning and please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns.​


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