FEC Nashwaaksis Middle School > Teachers > Posts > March 11th-15th
March 10
March 11th-15th

Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a restful March Break! 

​This week, for 8C,E,G and 7/8D we are finishing up our Resume writing. This will be the final summative writing assessment piece for the upcoming report card. Please be sure to ask your child how they are doing in Language Arts and if you have any concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me. They have received feedback on their Snapshot Moment, Job Interview, Reading Journals and our readin conferences are ongoing.

For 8A, they received marks for their Snapshot Moment writing piece, a small reading assignment and their podcast listening feedback. Be sure to ask your child how they did on these assignments. If they are unhappy about their marks, they have until this Friday, March 15th to see me about re-doing them which is always an option. 

Have a wonderful week! 


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