FEC Nashwaaksis Middle School > Teachers > Posts > Mme Plourde
November 28
Mme Plourde

Science(7A-7B only):  Today we have learned the differences between (un réseau alimentaire and une chaîne alimentaire.  Notes and examples have been given.

FILA:  Students will be taking home their portfolio of work from term 1.  Please have the (folder only) signed and brought back to Madame Plourde. 

SAVE THE DATE! Dec 1st @6pm NOT MY CHILD! NMS Parent Session

"not my child” NMS Parent Session  Drop off your son/daughter at the dance and join us in the theater for an hour of information and questions.  How to talk to your child about social media and its implications. 

Coffee and snacks will be served.​

Report Cards went home Friday to be signed.  Please return them signed to your homeroom teacher. Instructions for booking P-T meetings can be found below. 

Have a great night! 
La Paix!​



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