FEC Park Street Elementary School > School News > Posts > Family Fun Night
April 27
Family Fun Night
Family Fun Night - April 21, 2017
Family Fun Night was a huge success and we would like to Thank everyone for coming out and enjoying the event. The school was filled with happy children and parents. It truly was a fun night for our Park Street Families! Without the participation of our teachers, parent volunteers and family attendees, Family Fun Night could not happen. THANK YOU!!
Congratulations to Everett Crouse, winner of the Kids Prize Raffle. We hope you have fun redeeming your prizes.
Estimation Station winners were: Charlotte Kennedy (Gold Fish & Pretzels), Eli Boulter (Marshmallows), Michah Borden (Suckers), & Raktika Galwa & Laiken Stewart (Gumballs). Enjoy!
We are pleased to announce that this event raised $2893.30, after expenses, in funds that will be used by the school to support technology and help enrich the learning experience of our children.
A special Thanks to all the businesses in our community, along with our Bus Drive, Laurie Kincade, for donating the Cotton Candy, who were so graciously willing to help us with our efforts on April 21st.  Because of their support and generous donations of services/supplies we are able to make these events so successful. 
FFN Team
Susan Harris, Jenny Stewart, Faith Slipp, Paisley Sibbald, Melissa Durling and Tara Delaney


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