FEC Park Street Elementary School > School News > Posts > Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser
May 10
Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser

Jump Rope for heart.jpgThis week we had the jump team from Summerhill School visit us to talk about this year's Jump Rope for Heart campaign. This is an annual campaign which raises money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The great thing about the money our students raise is that it stays in our province to help people afflicted heart disease and other related ailments. The campaign is also win-win-win! Not only are we helping people in need, but students also get incentive prizes based on fundraised amounts.....AND our school gets back 10% of what we raise to put toward initiatives here. Students in grades 3-5 who opted to take part would have arrived home yesterday with their fundraising envelope. They can also register online and track all their funds that way. Students in grades k-2 who decide to participate will get their envelopes in the next week (we were short!) The deadline to return any envelopes will be Friday, June 2nd. Happy fundraising!


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