FEC Park Street Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Weekly Updates!
February 25
Weekly Updates!
Hi Everyone,
I hope you all had a great week and are having a fabulous weekend. Here are your updates for next week:
  • Pandamonium Week - see website for all the details! Reminder: Monday is pyjama day 
  • Snider Mountain - please send in form as soon as possible

  • Literacy - we are finishing up our Integrated Science unit. We will be starting our last writing piece this week (a narrative about the water cycle). We will also be having our end of unit test on Wednesday or Thursday. I will be giving a detailed revision on Monday.
  • Math - we are continuing our multiplication and division unit. Please continue to practice your child's math facts up to 12 x 12. It is essential that students master these multiplication facts before moving forward into division.
Thank you,
Mme Patterson​


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