FEC Park Street Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Weekly Update/Reminders
November 06
Weekly Update/Reminders
Hello Families,
The following are reminders and updates for the week of November 6th-November 9th:
·        Please remember that there will be no school on Friday, November 10th as teachers have professional learning that day and no school on Monday, November 13th.
·        In literacy, students are learning about using adjectives to describe themselves and family members.  We are also learning about the vocabulary relating to Remembrance Day.  Students will be practicing identifying and using the sounds «en, em, an, am» during the morning message and shared reading activities.
·        In math, students are reviewing how to represent numbers to 1000 in a variety of ways.  They are also working with number lines this week and practicing ordering larger numbers on a number line.
·        Students are encouraged to continue to practice their numbers 1 - 1000 at home. They are also encouraged to use Dreambox to strengthen their math skills at home.
·        Students are also encouraged to continue to review structures at home.  We will be focusing on the following structures this week:
-        Décris une personne dans ta famille. (Describe a family member.)  Ma mère s’appelle __________.  Elle a des yeux bruns et des cheveux noirs.  Elle est belle, intelligente et créative.
-        Que vois-tu le Jour du souvenir? (What do you see on Remembrance Day?)  Je vois les coquelicots et les soldats.
-        Qu’entends-tu le Jour du souvenir? (What do you hear on Remembrance Day?)    J’entends le clairon et la minute de silence.
-        Que penses-tu le Jour du souvenir? (What do you think about on Remembrance Day?)  Je pense à la paix.
Please be aware of the following upcoming dates :
November 17th – Last day for school clothing orders.
November 20th – Report cards go home.
November 21st-24th – Book Fair
November 22nd – PSS Arts Auction
November 23rd (pm) and November 24th (am) Parent Teacher interviews
Have a great week!


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