FEC Park Street Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Weekly Update and Reminders
November 20
Weekly Update and Reminders

The following are updates and reminders for this week (November 20 - November 23):

  • Read your French book aloud each night. Remind your child to switch their book each morning when they copy their homework.
  • ​Students should continue to practice structures and numbers each night.
  • In literacy, we are learning the sound «in» and are focusing on this sound during guided and shared reading.
  • We are talking about our community this week and are practicing the following structures:
    • Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ton voisinage? (What is in your neighbourhood?) Dans mon voisinage il y a _________________.
    • Pourquoi aimes-tu ta communauté? (Why do you like your community?) J'aime ma communauté parce qu'il y a un cinéma, mon école et un parc.
    • Où vas-tu avec ta famille? (Where do you go with your family?) Je vais au centre d'achat Regent avec ma famille.
    • Où vas-tu avec tes amis? (Where do you go with your friends?) Je vais à l'école et au parc avec mes amis.
  • Report Cards go home today (Monday) and are to be signed and returned along with the envelope to school.
  • You will find your Parent-Teacher interview time in your child's report card. If that time does not work please let me know and we can reschedule.
  • Our class will be visiting the Book Fair Tuesday during our regular library time.
  • The 5th Annual PSS Arts Auction will take place on Wednesday of this week from 6:30 - 8:00 pm.
  • Parent-Teacher interviews will be held on Thursday evening and Friday morning of this week. There will be no school for students on Friday of this week.


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