FEC Royal Road Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Grade 1 Week at a Glance (April 1-5)
March 29
Grade 1 Week at a Glance (April 1-5)

Grade 1 Mrs. Waugh 

Week at a Glance (April 1-April 5)



Wednesday Night: Pack Library books to be sent back Thursday.


  • Nightly: Read good-fit books (have your child provide a retell of the main events in the story)

  • Practice Sight Words and Sound Teams, Sight Words


Reading:  comprehension, expression and fluency

  • Please continue to check for comprehension by having your child answer questions about the stories he/she reads, as well as retelling the most important events.

  • Make sure your child is using punctuation to make their reading more fluent and expressive (ie; stopping for periods, pausing for commas, using enthusiasm in their voice for exclamation marks, etc.)


  • This week’s words: by, were, she, me


Writing: mentors and leads

  • We will be looking at authors as mentors and how we can borrow their ideas for our own stories.

  • We are spending more time talking about how to have organized stories with a beginning, middle and ending, and to add details to each part.

  • The lead is the first sentence of a story. Its job is to hook the reader into wanting to read the story and gives the reader an idea of what the story will be about. We learned three interesting ways to write a good lead:

  1. start with a question

  2. start with talking/dialogue

  3. start with an action lead (I jumped when I heard we were going to the party!).


Math: Addition & Subtraction to 12


  • Often times, students can tell you a strategy but they do not actually use it. When you practice facts with your child he/she should no longer have to use fingers when adding or subtracting 1, 2 or 3 from a number. He/she should now be taking those jumps in his/her head. For example, if you ask your child 7+3, make sure they are not putting up 7 fingers and then 3 more fingers. Instead, he/she should be saying “7” (without holding 7 fingers up) and taking the jumps in his/her head or out loud “ 7….8, 9, 10”. This is called counting-on.

  • The above strategy also holds true for subtracting. For example, for 9 – 2, your child should be taking the jumps back in his/her head, saying”9… 8, 7”, without having to use fingers.


  • Continue to practice missing part number sentences such as: 9+__=10,


  •  9-__= 2, etc.


  • 10 is an important benchmark number in math. If students are able to “make10”, then working with and regrouping of higher numbers will be easier.  Therefore, it is important to know “nice numbers” also known as the “friends of 10” (le; 2 + 8, 5 + 5, etc.). Practice “making-10” at home by saying a number, such as 7, and having your child quickly tell you how many more you need in order to “make 10” (he/she would reply “3”).  Practice a few each night so your child will know these facts “in a snap”!


Monday, April 1-Report cards sent home. Doodle posted. Please reserve a block of time using your child’s name.

Monday, April 1 – April 18 – Jump Rope for Heart

Tuesday, April 2-Friday, April 5-Book fair at school-info. sent home Thursday, March 28

Thursday, April 4 – Parent Teacher interviews (afternoon/evening)

Friday, April 5 – Parent Teacher interviews (morning)/Professional Learning (PM) – No school for students

Thursday, April 11- Easter Dinner- Tickets will be on sale from March 25th to April 4th in the cafeteria and on the Chartwells website. Please send a lunch with your child if you are not purchasing a ticket next week as there will not be anything else available in the cafeteria on April 11th.

Tuesday, April 16-coloured t shirt activity

Friday, April 19 – Good Friday – No School

Monday, April 22 – Easter Monday – No School

Please return the report card envelope containing the signed sheet which will be sent home with their report card.


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