FEC Royal Road Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Grade 1 May Outcomes
April 25
Grade 1 May Outcomes

May Outcomes




8C-use writing and other forms of representing for a variety of functions(ex-to ask questions, to generate and organize ideas, to express feelings, opinion, and imaginative ideas, to inform/communicate information, to record experiences, to explore learning)

8D-begin to develop, with assistance, some ways to make their own notes (e.g., webs, story maps, point-form notes)

8E-begin to experiment with language choices in imaginative writing and other ways of representing


9D-use a variety of familiar text forms and other media (messages, letters, lists, recounts, role play)

9E-0demonstrate some awareness of audience and purpose(ex choosing particular forms for specific audiences and purposes ,realizing work to be shared needs editing)

9F-consider their readers’/viewers’/listeners’ questions/comments and begin to use such responses to assess and extend their learning


10B-use some conventions of written language(ex spacing, most vowel and consonants are represented, increasing number of words spelled conventionally, simple sentence structure, attempt to use punctuation, use uppercase for names, I and sentence beginnings)

10C-demonstrate engagement with the creation of pieces of writing and other representations (ex-sustain choose writing in free time, share work, contribute during shared writing, contribute to observations field trips etc

10D-with assistance, begin using technology in writing and representing-use a tape recorder to tape a completed piece of writing or dramatization or oral retelling, use a drawing program/simple word processing to create illustrations for a group story or to draw a picture and write a caption

10E-Students will be expected to select, organize, and combine, with assistance, relevant information to construct and communicate meaning- interact with resources (print, non print, computer software, or human) to answer their own questions or learning needs - with assistance, develop strategies for making and organizing notes- create a new product- share their information in a variety of simple ways


Speaking and Listening

  • Demonstrate a growing awareness that different kinds of language are appropriate to different situations
  • Continue to develop speaking/listening outcomes from 1st & 2nd reporting period

Reading and Viewing

  1. Use some features of written text to determine content, locate topics, and obtain information
  • Use a combination of cues(semantic, syntactic, graphophonic, and pragmatic) to sample, predict, monitor/self correct
  • Begin to develop an understanding and respect for diversity
  • Respond critically to texts


March –June Math Outcomes:


N1: Say the number sequence 0 to 100, forwards and backwards; count by 5’s and 10’s to 100 (revisit - by 2’s to 20)

N2: Revisit - Recognize at a glance and name familiar arrangement (subitizing): 1 to 10 objects

N4: Revisit - Represent and describe numbers to 20 (number words to 20)

N3: Revisit - Demonstrate an understanding of counting principles

N7: Demonstrate how a given number can be represented by a variety of equal groups with and without singles

N9: Demonstrate an understanding of addition with answers to 18 and the corresponding subtraction facts

N10: Describe and use mental math strategies for addition and subtraction facts to 18

PR3: Revisit - Describe equality as a balance and inequality as an imbalance

PR4: Revisit - Record equalities using an equal sign


SS1: Demonstrate an understanding of measurement as a process of comparing attributes


SS2: Revisit - Sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes using one   attribute and explain   the sorting rule


SS3: Replicate composite 2-D shapes and 3-D objects

SS4: Compare 2-D shapes to parts of 3_D objects in the environment


You & Your World: Plants and Animals

1.2.1A – Describe different ways that animals and plants meet needs

1.2.1B – Observe and identify similarities and differences in needs of living things

1.2.1C – Describe how humans help meet needs of animals and plants

1.2.1D – Describe ways living things move to meet their needs

1.2.1E – Identify characteristics which animals and plants have in common

1.2.1F – Recognize that living tings depend on healthy environment


1.2.2A – Make predictions about animal and plant needs based on observed patterns

1.2.2B – Ask questions about living things that lead to further explorations and investigations

1.2.2C – Identify new questions from what has been learned from a variety of sources


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