FEC Royal Road Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Grade 1 Week at a Glance (Mar. 27-31)
March 24
Grade 1 Week at a Glance (Mar. 27-31)

Grade 1 Mrs. Waugh
Week at a Glance (March 27-31)
Tuesday Night:  Pack Library books to be returned Wednesday.
·        Read good-fit books.
·        Have your child provide a retell of the main events in the story.
·        Practice Sight Words and Sound Teams.
Reading:  Please continue to check for comprehension by having your child answer questions about the stories he/she reads, as well as retelling the most important events.
·        We will be reviewing using punctuation for reading fluency this week. Students need to know when to stop/slow down/change their tone of voice depending on the type of punctuation. Please prompt your child to do so when he/she reads his/her good-fit books at home.
Word Family:  - ap
How many words can you find that end in “ap”?
Writing:  We will be continuing to study nonfiction writing. Students will learn to write procedural texts that we call “how-to” writing. Students will learn the purpose of this type of writing (to teach others how to do something such as how to make toast), and how it must enable the reader to do what is being taught (steps must be clear, organized, and make sense).
Math: Addition & Subtraction to 12
Practice the following skills:
·        skip counting (2s,to 20, 5s, & 10s to 50)
·        skip counting with “extras” have 4 groups of 5 out and a group of 3.
·        doubles facts (0+0 to 10+10)
·        counting on   8+4,for example   hold up 4 fingers and say…8….9,10,11,12
·        adding 0 and 1 and 2 to a number
·        taking up to 3 jumps in your head (ie; 5 + 3)
·        making 10 strategy
·        subtracting 0 and 1 and 2 from a number
·        counting back to subtract when you have high numbers 12-5=
·        subtracting up to 3 jumps in your head (ie 5 – 3)
·        subtracting “all” from a number (ie; 9-9).      
Have your child answer missing part addition and subtraction sentences such as: 4 + _ = 7, and  9 - _= 4. If your child is struggling with this, please go back to using counters as explained below.
We are continuing to look at missing parts. We use counters to solve questions such as: I started with 7 candies. Now I have 3. How many did I eat?  Students should put out 7 counters and start taking some away until they see there are 3 left, then check to see how many they took away. This leads to looking at number sentences like 7 - __ = 3. Questions like this can also be solved using addition. Students can ask themselves “How many do I have to add to 3 so I have the 7 candies I started with?” (part+part=whole)This leads to 3+__=7. For this question students can think “7 is 3 and__?” If using addition they would hold up 3 fingers or set out 3 counters and see how many more to add to get to 7.
Continue to practice missing part addition and subtraction stories such as: I had 3 books, and a friend gave me some more. Now I have 7. How many did she give me?  (Use the same strategies as above) 
Reminders/Important Dates:
April 3-Report cards sent home
April 10-Parent Teacher interviews-afternoon and evening-no school for students
April 11-Vesey Seed orders due
April 14 – Good Friday –no school
April 17 – Easter Monday – no school
Thanks and have a great week!


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