FEC Royal Road Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Grade 2 Week at a Glance
May 23
Grade 2 Week at a Glance
Grade 2 Mrs. Waugh
Week at a Glance (May 23-26)
      Nightly  Read good-fit books/Raz Kids. Have your child provide a retell of the main events.
Library – Pack library books Tuesday to be returned Wednesday
       Practice/review all sight words and Sound Teams. If your child can read all of the sight words, have him/her try spelling them or writing them in a sentence.
The Grade 2 Provincial Reading Assessment begins Tuesday May 23 and ends May 30.  We will complete the assessment during our literacy block.  We will spend small chunks of time on the assessment each day until it is complete.  Please continue to have your child read Raz-kids and answer the comprehension questions and/or read to you and answer comprehension questions after the reading.
Word Family:  There will be no new word families.  We will review for the remainder of the year.
Writing:  Non-fiction writing - The students will be researching information about an animal and writing a report. 
Math:  We will continue to explore measurement.  Your child will be learning to
·         Estimate, measure, and compare lengths using non-standard units, such as paper clips, straws, snap cubes, popsicle sticks etc.
·         Estimate, measure, and compare height using non-standard units.
·         Estimate, measure, and compare the distance around an object using non-standard units.
·         Estimate, measure, and compare masses using balance scales and non-standard units.
·         Solve everyday problems about measurement.
We will also be exploring geometry.  Your child will be learning to identify, describe, compare and construct 2D and 3D shapes.  They will also be learning to identify 2-D shapes as parts of 3-D objects in the environment.
Please continue to practice addition and subtraction facts, both orally and with paper and pencil.
Reminders/Important Dates:
May 23-30 – Grade 2 Provincial Reading Assessment
Thursday, June 15-last day for cafeteria
June 16 – Showcase/School Picnic (more info to follow)


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