FEC Royal Road Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Home-School Link for the Week of Oct. 23rd
October 20
Home-School Link for the Week of Oct. 23rd
Grade One-Home-School Link for the of week of Oct. 23rd  
“Good fit” take-home book
Encourage your child to use the reading strategy card when trying to figure out unknown words.
Poems Songs Stories-review poems/songs- remind the children to track the words as they read!
Practice reading ai/ay words:  day   play    pail   way  train  may  gain  bay
Sight words-High Frequency Words for Grade One-focus for this week: this   they   her     his    
     Review until mastered;
          my    going    can     you
         are   have    had    little    has   went    and    all    play    the   was   that   of   with   like
         (Once the words are mastered, the students can learn to spell them)
MATH: Practice counting forward and backwards from 1-20
Using the number line/path practice counting by twos
(When these are mastered, move on to higher numbers)        
LIBRARY-******return book on Tuesday**********
Reading strategies:
Eagle Eye- Look at the pictures for cues.
Lips the Fish- Say the first few sounds in the word
Stretchy Snake- Stretch out the sounds slowly the put the sounds together and say the word
Chunky Monkey- Look for small chunks in the word that you can read
Punctuation-how authors use it/how it helps us as we read, sound teams- ai/ay, ow/oa, word wall activities, word families, diagraphs sh  th  ch, review of short vowel sounds, rhyming, syllables, review ed endings, introduce alphabetical order
Daily Writing: spelling approximations(stretching out unknown words and printing all the sounds they hear), spelling some word wall words correctly,  punctuation at the end of sentences, capitals for beginning of sentence/names, spaces between words, writing 3 or more ideas about a topic, proper letter formation/letter placement in one space. November benchmark- detailed illustrations, labels, write 3 or more ideas about a topic, spacing between words, spelling approximations that are readable, some punctuation/capitals.
MATH-benchmarks for November:
-read number words: one   three   five    three    four    two    zero   then practice:   six   eight   ten   nine   seven
-count forward and backward (1-20)     
-recognize and name numerals from 11-20
 -naming numbers “one,two more/one,two less”
-quickly point to numbers on the number line (in random order)        
 -printing numerals to 20/proper formation
 -recognizing and naming familiar arrangement to 10
-describing equality as a balance/imbalance
- counting by twos to twenty
YOU AND YOUR WORLD FOCUS: Safety Procedures. This is a good time to review your family rules on safety-fire, strangers, 911 calls, helmets, knowing address and phone number. Seasonal Changes.
Continue to practice printing their name using lowercase letters - Becky
Rhyming-say the following words and have them give rhyming words (some can be sillyJ)
cat       fan       hit       jig     kite      see       tick       bet      pot   cut
**Segmenting/blending words
1. Have your child give each sound and then blend it together to say the word 2. Print the word- call out the word and have your child print the word as they say the 3 sounds.
bin      can     dig       fun     hid      jut      pit       rat     pen     rut     bun      cut
Additional Information
       23rd-27th  School Book Fair- pamphlet will come home on Tuesday. You may send in money to purchase books after Tuesday.
       24th Half Day- Professional Learning for teachers in pm
       27th Halloween Howl (family event – see main web page for details)
       31st Halloween – Black/Orange day (no costumes)
Thank you for your support……..Have a Fantastic Week!  J


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