FEC Royal Road Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Grade 2 Week at a Glance (Oct. 30-Nov. 3)
October 27
Grade 2 Week at a Glance (Oct. 30-Nov. 3)

Grade 2 Week at a Glance (Oct. 30-Nov. 3)


 Wednesday Night – Pack library books to be sent back Thursday. 


Nightly – read good fit books and practice sight words introduced up to this point.  Students now have the option of reading books online on Raz-kids. 


November Reading Benchmark – in order for your child to meet the benchmark he/she should be reading independently, with good comprehension books at level H.



Words of the Week:  snap, it’s, won’t, they’re, can’t, didn’t, don’t, that’s


Word Family:  -ap.  How many words can you think of that end with the –ap sound?


We will be focusing on contractions this week.  Please see the words of the week for practice.


Writing:  At this point in the school year, students should be using upper and lower case letters appropriately, spelling word wall words correctly, sounding out unknown words phonetically, form all letters properly without reversals and consistently using proper end punctuation and finger spaces.


Math:  We will continue to represent numbers to 50 in a variety of ways.  This week we will be applying our skip counting skills to counting coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.)  To practice, have your child count different combinations of coins.  For example 3 dimes, 1 nickel and 2 pennies etc.

Please continue to practice the following:

·       Counting forward by 2’s starting at an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7…)

·       Count by 2’s starting at an even number other than 2.

·       Say “write the number that has 2 tens and 3 ones” and have your child write the numeral (23).  Try it several times this week with numbers up to 50.

·       One more one less than numbers to 50.

·       Ask your child to represent a given number up to 50, using house hold items (buttons, noodles etc).  Have them show you the number in groups of 10’s and 1’s.  For example; 34 would be 3 groups of 10 and 4 singles.

·       Identify odd/even numbers to 20.

·       Place five numbers (up to 50) in front of your child and have them order them from least to greatest or greatest to least.  Ask them how they know the order.

If your child is successful completing the above tasks with numbers to 50, try the above using numbers to 100.


Reminders/Important Dates:

·       October 31- Halloween – Tuesday, Oct. 31 – special math/ literacy activities and shared snack.  Please feel free to send in a healthy snack to share with the class.  We have 21 students.  This activity is optional, so do not feel obligated to send in food, if it is at all an inconvenience.  Children are encouraged, but not obligated, to wear orange and black.  No costumes please.

·       Nov. 7 –   picture re-takes

·       Nov. 10 – Full day Professional Learning Day – no school for students

·       Nov. 13 – No school due to Remembrance Day

·       Nov. 20 – Report Cards go home

·       Nov. 23 – Parent teacher conferences (evening)

·       Nov 24 –  Parent teacher conferences (morning), Professional learning in   

                 the afternoon.  No school for students.

Thank you for your support!

Grade 2 team



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