FEC Royal Road Elementary School > Teachers > Posts > Home-School Link for the Week of April 16th
April 16
Home-School Link for the Week of April 16th

       “Good fit” take-home book
         Poems Songs Stories duo-tang
Sight words:  their    than   what   who
Keep reviewing Sound Teams, High Frequency Words, No Excuse Spelling words until mastered!  
Sound Teams:
th    ch   sh   qu   ck   wh   ai     ow/ow    ay   or    oa    ar   oo/oo   ea    ee    ie  
er  ir  ur  ue  ew  ow  ou  oy  oi  aw  au  igh
Read words with sound teams:
steal   charm    flew   blue   pout   bow  bloom  crown   firm  turn  shirt   herb   flaw   main   pray  boy  coin   pie  fort  green  beat  slight   noon   spool
rake    rake   late  ripe   dune  crane  flute  site  crate 
No Excuse Spelling Words for Grade One
and  are  as  at  for  from  I  in  is  it  had  he  his  that  the  they  to  of  on  or  was  with  you
High Frequency Words for Grade One: after  over  from  into  when  then  by  not  for   what   look   or   this   they   her     his           
my  going   can  you  are   have    had    little    has   went    and    all    play    the  
was   that   of   with   like    she   see  some  come  so  saw  how  now  about  out  our
one     two   three   four   five   six    seven   eight   nine   ten   so   too  do   say  away     
day   love  your  very  came   same  make where there get will  should  would   could
don’t    I’m    I’ll     put
Representing and Solving word problems for addition and subtraction up to 18
Doubles-   1+1   2+2   3+3   4+4    5+5   6+6   7+7   8+8   9+9   10+10
Doubles plus one strategy    1+2=    2+3=   3+4=    4+5 =   5+6=   6+7=
Plus one/Minus one strategy  3+1    9+1     10+1    14+1     18-1    13-1    12-1
Friends of 10-   0+10   1+9   2+8    3+7   4+6   5+5
Counting forward 1-100 and backwards 100-1
Number words 11-20   twelve   eleven    nineteen    eighteen   sixteen  thirteen   fourteen  fifteen  seventeen              
23rd Earth Day Celebration- Nature walk behind the school- Wear rubber boots!
24th  Half day for students-dismissal at 11:30- PM- Professional Learning for teachers
25th Materials for Grade One Eco Art Project must be collected and passed in by this date. We will be making our creations on the 27th !
1st- Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser due
4TH No school for students- Subject Council Day for Teachers
14th –No school for students-Teacher Meetings
Mornings are still rather cool….dress in layers J                
                                                                                                Have a super week!              


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