WEC Carleton North High > Guidance
Guidance Subsite
September 27

​Please check the grade level TEAMS pages regularly. Also, you can book an appointment with Mrs. Albright on TEAMS chat. Simply chat with her to book a time to meet!

February 12
Course Requests for 2021-2022

​Next week, we will be helping students with the course request process.  Students have the opportunity to view the course request guide books in advance. See the guide books under the course selection heading to the right.  

January 05
Schulich Leader Scholarship Applications - grade 12s!

​See the Schulich scholarship application to the right under scholarships. Due to guidance January 20th.  

November 03
AARAO Institute Profiles

​Hi Students,

To the right of this blog, there is a form called "AARAO Institutional Profiles".  Click it and check out information on over 30+ colleges and universities.  It is a handy guide!

November 03
Virtual Post-Secondary Opportunities Fairs - AARAO FAIRS

​The AARAO Tour (the group of over 30 colleges and universities that used to come to the CNHS gym) will instead be hosting a series of VIRTUAL FAIRS this year.  These virtual fairs will be taking place from November 17th - 30th.    

All events will be open, free of charge, to ALL STUDENTS AND PARENTS/GUARDIANS, who choose to register in advance (up to a maximum of 1000 attendees).  

PLEASE VISIT www.aarao.ca/fairs to register in advance, and also to explore all of the AARAO colleges and universities that will be presenting to make sure you know all of your options!

***PLEASE NOTE that all presentations will also be live-streamed, recorded, and shared on the "AARAO Executive" YouTube page for 24/7 viewing. 

October 05
Grade 12 Info Packets

​Attention Grade 12s!  Your blue folder with all of your info for grade 12 and post secondary prep is an important folder.  You can see all of the documents saved to the right of this blog, except for your transcript.  If you have ANY questions at all, please book an appointment with guidance. Thank-you!

April 18
Scholarship Information Is Here!

​Attention students. Our Guidance section has been updated to include available scholarships for 2020-2021. Go to Guidance and then on the right side you will see Scholarship. Click there for all the up-to-date scholarships. Good Luck to all those who apply.

February 25
Course Selection Guide out now!

This is the course selection request guide for 2020-2021.  Please make a note that the course selection request process has started, and students will receive a copy of this booklet during the February 24-28th school week.  This booklet outlines potential courses to be offered next year, graduation requirements, post-secondary pathways, and more.  Students are encouraged to review the booklet and discuss course requests with their parents/guardians. 


Students will be bringing home a pink course request form to complete and get signed by a parent or guardian.  This pink form is due to their English teacher on Wednesday, March 11th.  Students who are applying for courses with application forms and teacher reference forms are due to the guidance office by Friday, March 20th


If students have questions, they can ask their English teacher, a guidance counsellor or the vice principal. 


On a separate note, the booklet for the students entering grade 10 will come out next week. I have to update it over the weekend, as it is very different because of the new grad requirements.​

May 02
June Scholarships Posting

​Hi Grade 12 students:

Please see the scholarships section to the right. June 2019 Scholarships are available. Everyone is encouraged to apply. Applications are available in the guidance office.

April 01
May 2019 Scholarships

​May 2019 Scholarships are now available for students to apply. Please look for these to the write of this blog, under scholarships, to view the list.  Applications are available in the guidance office.  

Students are reminded to send thank-you notes or cards to any institutions, companies or families that award them scholarship or bursary money.  

1 - 10Next
​Guidance Counsellor:
Sophie Albright


 General Guidance Information


 Graduation Documents


 Course Selections




 All Guidance Documents & Forms


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