FEC Harvey High School > Teachers > Posts > Current and Upcoming assignments
September 30
Current and Upcoming assignments

​Grade 12 Environmental Science FI

  • ​La politique de l'enfant unique - due Sept 30
  • Test Unit 1 - October 1
Grade 11 Hospitality and Tourism FI
  • 5 sectors assignment - due October 2
  • Quiz 2 - Unit 1 - October 5
Grade 9 PDCP FI
  • Ongoing Portfolio assignment - due date TBD (later in October)
  • Test - Essential Competencies, CV and Cover letters - October 9
Grade 10 PIF
  • Ongoing Final Task Unit 1 - My favourite movie
    • By now, students should have first 5 boxes in the organizer filled out.
  • Communication Function 3 - October 6
    • Can be recorded and sent or done in class
    • En général, quel genre de film adores-tu?
    • Quel est le public ciblé de ce genre de film?
    • Quelles sont les valeurs transmises dans ce genre de film?


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