FEC McAdam Avenue School > School News > Posts > Week at a Glance- February 12-16
February 09
Week at a Glance- February 12-16

Hello MAS families! We have definitely had our mix of weather. If you are looking for ideas to keep your child engaged in learning on snow days, please check our child’s teacher page out on our website. The teacher pages have current classroom outcomes that your child is working on. There are also ideas for extended practice, along with websites to visit. Great way to encourage learning!

Food Drive- Our 100th day of school is fast approaching (at this point, February 16). With this in mind along with the spirit of giving and kindness, McAdam Avenue School is having a food drive. We would like each class to bring in a goal of 100 items of food. 
Our school participates in the Student Hunger Program sponsored by the Fredericton Community Kitchen. This program provides children in our school with lunches that they would otherwise not have. The Student Hunger Program appreciates the community's support in feeding children.
Items that the Community Kitchen is in need of are as follows:
  • pasta (eg. spaghetti, Kraft Dinner, any other pasta)
  • canned goods- soup, tuna, salmon, canned fruit, canned vegetables, any kind of beans, etc
  • Microwave popcorn, fruit cups, instant oatmeal

Please send items in with your child or drop off at the school. We will collect for the entire month of February but would love to have 100 items per class so the children can do some math activities with them. Happy 100th Day! 

Valentine’s Day- On Valentines day the school will be providing all classes with a fruit and veggie tray.
Skating- Skating notice went home on Monday. Please be sure to complete the form and return it as soon as possible.  We want to make sure that students are prepared for that field trip. Skating will take place on Thursday, March 1. 
Hot Lunch Order Forms- March hot lunch order forms are coming home Monday and due back on Thursday, February 22nd.  Please note that in the month of March there are two pre-paid orders (missed due to snow days). There is a pre-paid order for bagels and one for pizza.
MAD Science- MAD Science will have a make up day for the missed class on Monday, March 26th. 
This Week-
Monday Feb 12-  MAD Science afterschool. Choir & Drama practice. Grade 3&5 notice of invitation to UNB hockey.
Tuesday Feb 13- Great Canadian Bagel. Intramurals.
Wednesday Feb 14 – Happy Valentine’s Day J
Thursday February 15– Pizza hot lunch. York Care grades 1 and 4.
Friday February 16- Hot Lunch Tots and Taters. New LHHS Clubs begin.
Upcoming Important Dates:
Feb 19- No school. Family Day 
Feb 22- Grades K and 3 York Care
Feb 26 to March 2- Winter Fun Week
Feb 26- PSSC 6:00pm
Feb 27- ½ Day for students. Dismissal 11:00am.  
Feb 28- Pink Shirt Day- Anti Bullying day
March 1- Skating K-2 at 9:00am and Gr. 3-5 at 10:00am.
March 2- LHHS Clubs
March 5-9- MARCH BREAK


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