FEC McAdam Avenue School > School News > Posts > Week at a Glance April 16-20
April 13
Week at a Glance April 16-20

Hello MAS Families. It was wonderful to see many of you over the past two days as you shared and celebrated in your child's learning. I know the students were very excited and proud to be able to come along to the conference and show you what they are learning about and what they know. 

Spring Weather- The mornings are cold and afternoons finally warming up. Many students are asking once we get outside to take off coats, hats, snow pants, etc. Please have a conversation with your child about how you would like them to dress. Usually sending them in layers or a lighter coat for lunch time is helpful. Also, it is that time of year many need extra socks, pants, etc as they like the water. Please send extra in their backpacks.
K-2 Field Trip Playhouse- K-2s will heading to the Playhouse on Monday, April 16th to see Manxmouse. If you have not sent in your $4 for the trip, please do so. 
MAS Color Splash Dash- MAS will be hosting a fun color run fundraising event in June and we are looking for volunteers to help organize. Those interested please come join an information meeting on Monday at 6:15pm here at the school. 
PSSC and Home and School- Meeting Monday, April 16 at 6:00pm. This will be followed by a home and school meeting at 7:00pm. Home and School will be discussing year end events, so if you would like to join and help out we are always looking for extra hands. Please come join the meeting! 
Hot Lunch- Hot lunch order forms will be going home on Monday, April 16th and to be returned Thursday, April 26th. 
This Week- 
Monday April 16-  K-2 Playhouse. Color Run Meeting 6:15pm. PSSC Meeting 6pm. Home and School
Meeting 7:15pm. Hot Lunch forms go home.
Tuesday April 17- Bagel Hot lunch.
Wednesday April 18-  No Drama. Circulation ball at UNB for those signed up.
Thursday April 19- Hot lunch pizza.  
Friday April 20- Tots N Taters hot lunch. 
Upcoming Dates-
April 22- Earth Day
April 23- MAS Color Splash Dash registration forms go home.
April 24- 1/2 day PL. Dismissal at 11:30am.
April 26- Poem in my Pocket Day. Hot lunch forms due back. Grades k and 3 to visit York Care. 
April 27- LHHS Clubs
Have a great weekend. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. 
Cynthia Burnett


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