FEC McAdam Avenue School > School News > Posts > Week at a glance Dec. 7-11
December 04
Week at a glance Dec. 7-11

Hello MAS Families! We have continued to have a wonderful week here at MAS! I want to ‘THANK’ all families for taking the time to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their academic successes. Please do not hesitate at any time of the year to reach out to your child’s teacher if you would like to know about your child’s academic performance.

Christmas Angel Tree- Thank you to all that signed up and offered to support our Christmas families. Gift tag angles were sent home with your child. We ask that you wrap and tag and return to the school by December 15.
Christmas Shopping Spree- Students will participate in Christmas shopping spree on Wednesday, December 16th.
Masks- Students will continue to wear masks throughout the orange level alert. Please be sure to continue to send at least 2 clean masks each day. I have also purchased child size disposable masks if a student needs it.  
Christmas Concert- The show will go on!!!! The concert will be virtual. Our concert will become live on Wednesday December 16 via link at 6pm. So plan a family night! Grab some Popcorn and hot chocolate and sit back and enjoy!
Concert Video Recording- If you would like to have your child dress up for the concert, we will be recording on Friday, December 11th.
This week:
Monday, Dec. 7- Hot Lunch order forms go home
Tuesday, Dec 8- Hot Lunch- Great Canadian Bagel. Soaps will go home- pick up at dismissal.
Wednesday, Dec 9-
Thursday , Dec 10-
Friday, Dec 11- Hot Lunch- Grade ½ Davis Frozen Yogurt Party
Upcoming Days:
December 14- Bring favorite Christmas book to share.
December 15- Wear Christmas socks
December 16- Creative Christmas Hat day. Christmas Concert Online @ 6pm.
December-17- Favorite Christmas Sweater (or fun Christmas sweater)
December 18- Last day before Christmas. Wear your Christmas Jammies.
If you ever have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask. Have a great weekend!
Cynthia Burnett
BA, BEd, Med
McAdam Avenue School
Anglophone School District West
If a child can’t learn the way you teach, then teach in a way so that the child can learn.  ~Unknown.


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