FEC McAdam Avenue School > Teachers > Posts > Week at a Glance Feb. 20-24, 2018
February 19
Week at a Glance Feb. 20-24, 2018

Week At A Glance     February 20-24, 2018                Grade ¾

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! Thank you to everyone who took the time to prepare Valentines and treats for our students. We had a wonderful class celebration and the children were so excited and thankful!

Please read below for information about what students will be working on this week.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at shaneen.coes@nbed.nb.ca, or call 453-5422 to schedule a meeting.


Mrs. Coes

Important Dates

Monday Feb 19-  Family Day. No School.

Tuesday Feb 20- 100th Day of School! Great Canadian Bagel. Intramurals.

Wednesday Feb 21 – Drama Practice 12-1:30pm. Please pack a lunch.

Thursday February 22– Order forms due. Pizza hot lunch. York Care grades K and 3.

Friday February 23- Hot Lunch Tots and Taters




The homework assigned is an extension of class instruction and meant for extra practice. Completed activities can be kept at home. However, if there is an activity you would like to share with me, please do so. 

Reading- read aloud (even to yourself!) for 20 minutes each night. Complete the reading log each night. Remember to have it signed. Talk to your parents about what you are reading at school this week and what your current reading level is.

Word Work- Students are now working on new lists of words from the Words Their Way program; copies can be found in their Communication Bag.

Numeracy- Practice math facts each night and have someone quiz you if possible. Practice estimating and measuring items around your home, using cm and a ruler. Practice telling time at home, to the nearest minute.


Areas of Focus for February 20-24, 2018

Writing- This week, students will continue to work their independent writing piece. This piece will be assessed using the 6+1 Traits of writing that we have been studying this year. Students will work with the teacher in small groups to generate a list of memoire ideas, and to generate a graphic organizer to assist in their writing. Please talk with your child about their writing piece this week.

Word Work- Copies of this week’s new Words Their Way list can be found in the Communication Bag. Each day, students complete a different activity to enhance their understanding of words and letter patterns.

Numeracy- This week all students explore the relationship between multiplication and division. Grade 3 students will focus on multiplication/division facts up to 5x5. Grade 4 will do the same with facts up to 9x9. Please practice creating fact family groupings at home. Use counters, beans, pennies, etc., to show the relationship between facts. For example: 5 groups of 5 equals 25 and 25 divided into 5 groups equals 5 in each group.

Science- This week we wrap up our exploration of Structures and Materials. Students will explore what makes a strong structure, how a foundation works, and the parts of a building, through several hands-on activities and experiments.



Useful Homework Websites


Science and Social Studies












For worksheets for telling time, measurement and all things literacy and numeracy, check this website out:           www.superteacherworksheets.com.  Create a free account and have access to hundreds of worksheets and activities.​


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