WEC Nackawic Middle School > Teachers
April 02
Youtube Channel for 8L

​Click on the link below to take you to my Youtube Channel for students in 8L 2019/20.


September 27
Soccer Schedule
September 26
Senior Girls' Soccer Schedule
September 26
Grade 6 Girls' Soccer Schedule
September 26
Running Club

This fall, the running club will meet on Thursdays from 3:00-3:45 for a trail or street run. All students are welcome to attend. It is not necessary for students to commit to running every Thursday.  We will plan on running as long as the weather cooperates.

September 26
September Activity Night

​September 28th, 2017

Time: 6:30-8:30

Cost: $3

September 26
Terry Fox School Walk

​October 06, 2017

September 26
Homework for September

​Grade level spelling lists were sent home in agendas. These are home copies and do not need to be returned to school. Students are in the process of receiving their own individualized lists, based on the words that they do not know how to spell from the No Excuses list.  Be watching for this new list which will be fastened into the agenda. This is your copy and does not need to be returned to the school. Students will be tested on their lists, until they know all of the words from their list.

September 26

Welcome to another great year at Nackawic Middle School!​

September 26

​Kingslanding Wednesday

1 - 10Next

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