Island View has several facilities that serve to enhance learning at the school. A full sized gymnasium with a stage allows for regularly scheduled physical education classes for all children, community basketball and soccer programs, parent information sessions, theatrical presentations and musical productions. The school’s 9500 volume library offers children ample reading resources and serves as an excellent location for regularly scheduled library periods.

IVS classrooms are all equiped with access to technolgy to support our students engage in 21st century learning experiences. These technologies include: SMARTboards, document camera's, netbook computers and Ipads.

Island View School houses IVSC3 which is an afterschool program for students. This non profit program offers afterschool care for students and providers our students with access to netbook computers in the library during instruction hours.

IVS has a music room which in addition to having our regular music program is where our choir and strings program practices

We have two common areas in the school where several classes can be combined for special learning experinces and multi-grade presenations.

Island View is also fortunate to have a full sized outdoor athletic field which is used for special events, PE classes, as well as by local community groups provide programs for youth (eg. soccer).

In 2013, IVS won the national Majesta Trees of Knowledge Competition and was able to build an outdoor classroom to provide our students a space to learn about and enjoy outdoor education.