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June 23
Newsletter - June Summer Edition

Beaconsfield Middle School
630 Fundy Drive, Saint John N.B E2M 2S5     Phone: 658-5333
Principal: Mr. Art Sisk                                                                                                                          Vice Principal – Mrs. Heather Langille                                                                                                                       
School Mission Statement
Beaconsfield Middle School will provide a quality education for all students regardless of ability, in a safe, orderly learning environment.
Beaconsfield Middle School will require that all students learn to the best of their abilities, and contribute to the positive climate of the school and community.
JUNE 2014
Please take note of the following dates:
August 25                                           Administrative Day for Staff
August 26 -27                                     Council Days 
August 28                                           Administrative Day for Staff                                    
September 1                                        Labour Day – No Classes
September 2                                        Grade 6 Transition Day (No Classes for Grade 7 & 8)
September 3                                        All Grades Report For Classes
Parents are advised the school supplies list for the school year 2014 - 2015 have been entered into report cards and they can also be accessed on the school website or at Staples.                    
We are very thankful to all parents, staff and our community supports that stepped up to make our year end final celebrations and activities such a success. This type of support is nothing less than impressive and very well appreciated by all in the school community.
 Best wishes to our entire grade 8 group of students as they will move on to their respective high schools in the fall. You will all certainly be missed at Beaconsfield but you must realize that your opportunities to meet with success in reaching your goals in life will be magnified significantly as you welcome the new challenges in your educational journey.
Congratulations to the student athletes that participated in the final sports event of the year, track and field.  The major competition took place on Thursday, June 5th from 1 - 5 at the Canada Games Stadium at UNBSJ and our students represented the school very well once again. Details regarding all their achievements were celebrated at our recent awards ceremonies.
A big thank you goes to Mr. Patterson for coordinating this opportunity at the school and Mr. Whitaker for supervising and cheerleading.
Thank you to Mrs. Hooper for organizing the school’s partnership with the Carleton Kirk Senior Housing Development.  Students and staff dedicated a full morning on June 9th to prepare the court yards gardens and then plant flowers for all to appreciate. Special thanks also to Nancy at Kent’s Building Supplies (West) for providing the advice and flowers for this endeavor.
We also acknowledge the initiative of Mr. Clark and Mr. Whitaker for their efforts in arranging for students to participate in the public garden opportunity at the Carleton Community Wellness. Students trekked down to the gardens on June 11th and planted vegetables that will be available for their use in the fall or for donations to the West Side Food Bank.
Parents are asked to please check around the bedrooms of their children for school uniforms, t-shirts, school equipment and text books as these items should be returned to the school as soon as possible. Your support is very well appreciated.
The students that took advantage of the School Cultural Excursion had a wonderful time during their trip. Special thanks to Mr. Patterson, Mrs. Langille, Mrs. Campbell and other staff that covered in their absence which made this event possible. Thanks also to all staff for supporting the Student Leadership Group and their plans for the year end excursion to Crystal Palace and Magic Mountain in Moncton on June 17th.  According to all reports the students had a tremendous time.
Our school works closely with the School District to host students from all over the world.  Visiting students live with a host family, attend classes with our students and participate in extra-curricular and community activities.  Fully immersed in the English language, international students develop their language skills and create new and lasting friendships. If you and your family are interested in exploring the possibility of hosting a student for a semester and/or a full school year,   I would invite you to get in touch with Maggie Power,   International Middle School Homestay Coordinator (506 693-7447).   Maggie will be happy to meet with you and explain the benefits of the program and share her experience as a homestay parent.
Staff and students from the school recently embarked upon a project in partnership with the Saint John Police Force, the City of Saint John through Engineer Tim O’Reilly and the Community Public Health Nurse Jill Roberts to have the crosswalk in front of the school painted in dynamic manner that captures the attention of motorists as they enter the school zone. The students worked in collaboration with Mr. Lawrence taking full ownership of the design and the actual painting. Although the intent of the project is to attract more attention to the crosswalk area student have been advised that safe practices must always be observed when crossing streets. The City of Saint John has provided a few tips regarding the process. They are as follows:
  • Always cross the street at a marked crosswalk or at an intersection.
  • Do not just walk out into the crosswalk without doing a few other things first.
o   You should extend your arm so people in vehicles know you want to cross the street.
o   Make sure the drivers of vehicles see you and stop for you before crossing the street.  If you can’t see the person in the car, they can’t see you.
o   Don’t forget there may be cars that come from either direction on a street.  You should look both ways before crossing the street and make sure that cars from either direction see you and stop for you before proceeding onto the street.
  • Just because crosswalk signs, lines marking the crosswalk or traffic lights are at a crosswalk, it doesn’t mean you will be safe. People in cars may not stop for you.  Always extend your arm and wait for people to stop for you before you cross the street.
(Based on information provided by Tim O’Reilly of the City of Saint John using various sources)
On Behalf of all the staff of Beaconsfield Middle School, have a safe and relaxing summer vacation.

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