Strategies for Differentiated Instruction
Curriculum Compacting
A) Definition: Modifying the regular curriculum in order to:
1. Eliminate repetition of previously mastered material
2. Upgrade challenge level
3. Provide time for appropriate enrichment
4. Ensure mastery of basic skills
B) How-To Compact the Curriculum:
1. Decide what students need to know in the area considered for compacting
2. Find out what students know by testing, observing or analyzing performance
3. Provide assignments so students can master unknown material.
4. Work with the student in developing an individualized program plan
5. Plan may include:
-Enrichment in the compacted area
-Enrichment in an area of interest
-An independent study project
6- Download and Use “The Compactor”
Independent Project
A) Definition: An individualized learning experience that allows students to select a topic, define problems or questions, gather and analyze information, apply skills and create a product to show what has been learned
B) How to engage students in an independent project:
1-Help students find an area of interest they would like to know more about. Areas of interests can come from various sources:
A part of the regular curriculum
An extension of the regular curriculum
A personal interest
A skill to be developed
A problem to be solved
An event observed in the student’s locality
2-Help students formulate specific questions for their investigation..
3-Working with the student, develop a plan.
4- Help students locate multiple resources
5-Identify what the final products will be and to which audience they are intended.
6- Provide assistance as needed
7- Students present their findings or their product to an audience
8- Evaluate
Science Resource Kits (Grades 3-8)
Science Resource Kits are available to those who teach Grade three to eight Science Programs.
Click here to download an order form for Elementary or Middle Level Grades.
Did you know that the Science units for Grades 3 to 8 are available to you under the Shared documents on the portal?
Challenge Boxes
My Canadian Suitcase (Grade 4 Social Studies)
A resource kit that allows students to explore Canada by taking an imaginary trip across Canada. The kit includes a Teachers’ Resource binder, maps, and resource book.
The Titanic
A resource kit that can be used as an enrichment unit for an entire class, a small group or to challenge an individual student. It includes a Teacher’s Resource binder, suggested activities and a resource book.
Jewish Holocaust (Middle School)
A resource kit that can be used to supplement lessons or to enrich a small group of students. It includes a set of novels, the DVD, “Paper Clip” and the documentary Resource Guide.
World War I & II
A resource kit that can be used to supplement a lesson or to challenge an individual student or a small group. It includes a Teacher’s Resource binder and resource books.