St. Martins School

The St. Martins School was built in 1972 to replace an old structure that served as a grade 1 to 12 school until 1967.  In 1967 with equal opportunity the high school students went 30 miles to Saint John and the school housed grades 1 to 7.  In 1972 amid mixed feelings the old school was torn down and the present new building was opened.  Many people wanted the old building retained as a historical museum.
The population of the school continued to steadily grow and four portables were placed on the grounds.  In 1996 these were removed and four new classrooms were joined to the present structure.  At this time, to the pleasure of many, the portables were removed.  The building now has 12 classrooms, a multi-purpose room, kitchen, offices, staff room, library and computer room.

The school accommodated students from grades 1 to 7 from 1972 to 1989.  Grade 8 joined the school in 1989 and grade 9 joined in 1990.  Kindergarten was introduced in 1991.  From 1991 to 1998 the school was a grade K-9.  Since 1998 the school has been K to 8. In 2015 middle school students moved to Bayside Middle School.  St. Martins School is now a K-5 school.
The geographical area that the school covers is approximately 100 square kilometers taking in local communities of Bains Corner, Shanklin Settlement, Fairfield, Tynemouth Creek, Bayview, Orange Hill, West Quaco and St. Martins.  Each community has its own uniqueness and individual characteristics.




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