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September 30
September 30th

Good evening AES families. Today is Monday, September 30th.

Today we had our second fire drill at AES and I informed students that plans were in place to complete our school evacuation tomorrow. However, due to circumstances beyond our control we will have to postpone until Wednesday morning. At that time, following another fire drill, all students and staff will move to our evacuation site at the Atlantic Community Church. The full evacuation and return back to the school will take about 45 minutes. In the past, parents and/or guardians have offered to support us in this and we appreciate the offer, but it is important for us to know that we can do this with the staff we would have if it were a real emergency.

You can help by explaining to your child(ren) the need for us to do this preparedness drill, and to see that they are properly dressed for the weather and the walk on Wednesday.

Thank you for your attention.​


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