Celebrating our Partnerships
Our Partners and Volunteers are essential to the smooth operation of RES. We absolutely could not run our school without you!
Our Partners and Volunteers have been committed to:
Breakfast Program Library
In-School Mentoring Career Week
Creating a school newspaper Junior Achievement
Enrichment Guest reading
Homework Club Noon hour activities
Sharing expertise in many areas DARE program
Marigold Magic In-class support
Parent information nights Hackmatack Program
And much more…
How Can our Partners and Volunteers Become Involved This Year?
In the classroom: We are always looking for people to assist in the classrooms. You can work with small groups on reading, math, art, or enrichment projects.
Breakfast Program: Volunteers arrive at 7:50am to prepare toast, juice, and cereal for the students. Breakfast Club closes at 8:20am when our students proceed to class. Help students start the day off with a healthy meal.
In-School Mentoring: Through Big Brothers Big Sisters, you can be matched with a student who would benefit from having a friend and a positive role model in their life. Mentors and students generally meet in the school once a week for an hour at a time that works for both.
Lunch Activities: We want to offer a variety of activities to our students each day from 12:00 to 1:00. The activities can be any special skill or interest that you might have. Some examples might include cooking, computer, leadership, drama, art, newspaper. We are always looking for new ideas. Feel free to help with an existing club or start something new.
Reading Buddies: You would be matched up with a student who needs some extra reading help for a half hour per week.
Guest Speakers: Share your expertise in a curriculum-related area.
Financial Support:
Funds for our Breakfast Program (costs about $200 per month – gift cards for groceries are much appreciated)
Healthy snacks such as granola bars, juice boxes, applesauce (gift cards welcomed)
Elementary level Board Games (Sorry, Dominoes, etc)
Sports equipment (soccer balls, basketballs, etc)
Art and craft supplies for the In-School Mentoring program
Books for boys to read
Why Partner with Rothesay Elementary?
The concept behind community – education partnerships is simple. Local businesses, community groups, non-profit agencies and individuals partner with schools by providing volunteers, in-kind assistance, or financial support – in some cases all three.
Partnering with Community Schools will enhance your organization’s:
Vision and mission
Employee development
Future workforce
Corporate reputation
Community goodwill
Customer loyalty.
Partners recognize that education is a shared responsibility with rewards that benefit all.
Together WE are the future.
Why Volunteer?
Volunteering is an opportunity to fulfill personal goals while contributing to the needs of the community.
Through volunteering you will:
Gain valuable experience
Make use of your own talents and skills or learn new ones
Improve communication skills and relationships with family, colleagues and friends
Develop greater understanding and compassion for young people
Enhance your mental wellness, sharpen your brain power and improve functional ability
Gain insight into your community
Enrich your life! Enlarge your world! Have fun!!