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May 06
Principal's Email to Families, April 7, 2024

Greetings HES Families,

A few updates for you below as we begin the week.

Hot Lunch – A new round of pizza orders are online for purchase.  Paper copies are available in the office.  All orders are due Monday, April 8th.  It will be for 5 weeks for $10 for 1 slice and $20 for 2 slices, April 10, 17, 24, May 1, and May 8.

Purchases may be made online through School Cash Online using the link on our website:

Order forms for purchases by cash or cheque are available in the school office.

April 8th Early Dismissal for Students – A note for families that students in grades 3-8 will be dismissed from school at 12pm, on Monday, April 8th, due to the solar eclipse. We received an updated notification from Transportation that buses will depart HES between 12pm-12:30pm. Please contact your child’s teacher if you will be picking your child up directly from school.  

Term 2 Report Cards and Family Teacher Conferences – Term 2 Report cards will be sent home on Thursday, April 11th.  Family Teacher Conferences are Monday, April 15th from 8:30am -11:30am and  4pm – 7pm. Appointments can be booked by using the link 

Please use the drop-down arrow to select the teacher that you would like to meet with. Families requiring a phone or virtual meeting are asked to contact their child’s teacher to book these.

HES Jump Rope for Heart HES is excited to participate in Jump Rope for Heart again this year. Fundraising for Jump Rope for Heart will take place between April 16th and April 26th and the fundraising envelopes will be sent home with students on April 16th. We have invited our future students at DATL to join us in the jumping events taking place the week of April 22nd to April 26th during our jump week. Each HES class will be paired with a class from DATL, with the HES students leading the DATL students through 8 different skipping/ jumping stations. Thank you to both Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Brenton for your work on this joint schools initiative!

HES Home and School – Our HES Home and School meets this Thursday, April 11th @ 6:30pm in the library.

Have a good evening!

Ms. Donovan


Hampton Elementary School



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