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Home > RPS News
May 22
Morning Announcements Wednesday May 22/24

​Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 


All Mrs. Fisher’s classes go to the library.  


All band students come to the music room. 


Grade 8 students – Kate Robarts Outstanding Student Award Applications are available for pick up in the office. Due back by Monday May 27th. 


Yearbook order deadline has past – if you want to order one you have to call Photography Flewwelling. 


Reminder to Grade 6 students the final tryout for Track running events will be today at 2:20. Hope to see you there! â€‹

May 21
Morning Announcements Tuesday May 21/24

​Tuesday, May 21st 2024 


Full band today P4.  

Thank you, teachers, for being so accommodating.  


EcoLeaders: Please look after the compost in the kitchen of the cafeteria 😊 


Drama Students: No rehearsal today, but remember Night of the Arts is coming up next week – therefore we’ll have a full rehearsal tomorrow. Please plan to be there during activity period, and speak to Mme Sooley ahead of time if you’re unable. 


Today will be the last tryout for Grade 7 running events for Track. See you during Activity Period! 


May 17
Morning Announcements Friday May 17/24

​Friday, May 17th, 2024 


Jazz Band at lunch 

Full band P4 today 


8 Prime go to Tech lab for period 2 

Voices of RPS cancelled for today 

Today is the last day to order yearbooks for $30, after that it is $35


Thank you to all the Grade 8 students who tried out for the Track events –you came prepared to run with a smile😊 

There will be a change in Track times next week: Grade 7 students are asked to come during Activity Period on Tuesday and Grade 6 students on Wednesday. If you can not attend during these times, but would like to try out, please see Mrs. Horgan. 


May 16
Morning Announcements Thursday May 16/24

​Thursday, May 16th, 2024 


Grade 8 students please bring your jackets and a snack to period 1. You will be called outside with your class at 9.25am to walk to the high school. Please leave your phones in your lockers. 


Jazz band Period 1 today 


Congratulations to 6 Prime for being the class to wear the MOST Purple yesterday!!! 😊 (Highest percentage at RPS) 

A special mention to Eamonn in 6 Simon for individually wearing the most purple!  

Thanks to all teachers for sending their fractions to Mme Matthews to support purple day. 


No Leadership meeting needed today after school. Enjoy the sunshine! 


  • Congratulations to the Varsity Girls Volleyball team for winning the district championship yesterday 🥇 


You can still preorder a yearbook for $30 in the office. 


There are still running spots for Grade 6 & 7 for the Track Meet. Please see Mrs. Horgan if you are interested. 



May 14
Morning Announcements Tuesday May 14/24


Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 


Full Band Rehearsal Period 4 today. Check with your teacher.  


Just a reminder there’s no drama rehearsal today. 


Today is National Denim Day. Students can wear hats in class if they donate $2. All the money raised will be used for breast cancer research. Leadership students will come around this morning to give out ballots to students who are wearing jeans or a hat.  


Tomorrow is the Sweet Caroline Foundation’s Purple Day, to raise awareness about food allergies and anaphylaxis. Every student who is wearing purple tomorrow will be given a ballot and the Leadership students will draw for a prize. â€‹

May 13
Morning Announcements Monday May 13/24

​Monday, May 13th, 2024 


Full Band rehearsal period 4 today. Check with your teacher first. 


Tomorrow is National Denim Day. Teachers can wear jeans if they donate $5 and

students can wear hats in class if they donate $2. All the money raised will be used for breast cancer research. Every student who wears jeans and/or donates $2 to wear their hat will be given a ballot and the Leadership students will draw for a prize. 


Wednesday is the Sweet Caroline Foundation’s Purple Day, where staff and students wear purple to raise awareness about food allergies and anaphylaxis. Every student who is wearing purple on Wednesday will be given a ballot and the Leadership students will draw for a prize. 


A reminder to Drama Students that we are taking this week off from rehearsals. See you soon 😊 



-The Varsity Girls have a home game today for the semi-finals vs SMS 

- The varsity boys play their semi-finals at QMS today 

- JV boys travel to SMS tomorrow for their consolation playoff game 

- The JV girls travel to RNS tomorrow for their consolation playoff game 


@ Athur Miller Upper from 3-4:30 

-Still no schedule as of yet, but the Usher Miller Flag Football Tournament will be on Wednesday from 4-6. 

-Fundy Flag Football Tournament will be on May 24th and 25th , still waiting on the schedule. 


May 10
Morning Announcements Friday May 10/24

​Friday, May 10th, 2024 


Jazz band at lunchtime 

Mrs. Fisher has a prep P4 for any students who can come and practice. You must get permission from your teacher. 


Best of luck to Math competition students today 

May 14th National Denim Day for breast cancer research – students may wear hats with 2$ donation 

Reminder from Voices of RPS that you can compliment someone in the school by going to office to fill out a card. We will go through the new cards today. 

Sweet Caroline - Purple Day 

 Wednesday, May 15 is Sweet Caroline Foundation’s Purple Day, where staff and students wear purple in support of food allergies and anaphylaxis awareness. 

May 16th Grade 8 students travel to RHS or KVHS for transition to High School 

May 17th Yearbook orders due to office – after this date a late fee will be charged 


May 07
Morning Announcements Tuesday May 07/24

​Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 


Full Band: Lunchtime today 


Sweet Caroline - Purple Day 

 Wednesday, May 15 is Sweet Caroline Foundation’s Purple Day, where staff and students wear purple in support of food allergies and anaphylaxis awareness. 



  • JV Boys volleyball have a game today @ QMS 

  • JV Girls Play have a game today @ HMS 

  • Varsity boys practice will practice today from 3-4pm 


May 01
Morning Announcements Wednesday May 01/24

​Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 


No band today. Regular band rehearsal during activity period on Thursday 


It’s our LAST regular drama rehearsal before DramaFest today! Everyone should be there, and you MUST let Mme Sooley know if you’re not able to come. This includes tech crew, but not backstage crew or Narrators –we'll see you folks on Sunday 😊 


Reminder to all Art classes today to bring a ruler. 


Pre-order a yearbook in the office for $30 â€‹

April 30
Morning Announcements Tuesday April 30/24

​Tuesday, April 30, 2024 


Band practice for everyone at lunch today 


DRAMA STUDENTS: Needed for rehearsal today - Jaelyn, Julia, Miley, Evelyn, Audrey, Burke, Aliza, Madison, and Katie. Everyone else – feel free to come if you’d like to run lines on your own, otherwise see you tomorrow.  


Footballs and rugby balls, whether belonging to the school or brought to the school by students, are not allowed to be outside at break or lunchtime. If a teacher (PE or otherwise) wishes to allow students to use either during their class time outside that is fine.  


Freezies will be on sale today at lunchtime. 


Pre-order a yearbook in the office for $30 


Students interested in trying out for the running events for the Track Meet in June are asked to sign up for the activity period for your grade level. If you can not attend the day assigned for your grade level, please see Mrs. Horgan so other arrangements can be made. â€‹

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