Chris Saunders Memorial Elementary School
A Message From Our Principal


     It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Chris Saunders Memorial School website. 

Recognizing that children develop at different rates, CSM is concerned with the intellectual, social, physical and moral development of all of its students.  To that end, we are fortunate to have an excellent staff at CSM interested in working with you in the education of your child.  It is important to keep the lines of communication open between home and school.  In this way, the task of educating your children will be easier for all and will be more successful. I invite all parents/guardians to contact me if there are any matters that you would like to discuss with me.  I will be pleased to assist in any way I can.

     I appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that all students have a very rewarding experience at Chris Saunders Memorial Elementary School.


Michael Wilson