FEC Gibson-Neill Memorial School > Teachers > Posts > weekly newsletter
February 20
weekly newsletter
Monday, February 20th, 2017
Dear Families:
Ask your child about the fantastic local musician that visited our school today – Stephen Lewis. He was a great entertainer!   
What we are learning:
Literacy - This week we will learn the next 5 words and related phrases on List 4 (ride, into, just, blue, red).  We will introduce our “r” blends (br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr).  Our reading strategy for the month of February is finding a chunk in the word when trying to decode (identifying a part of the word you know to figure out the unknown word i.e. “window” – you can recognize the “in” and “ow” to help you put together the word window!)
Math – We will continue to work on “Friends of 10” (the combination of numbers that add to 10) as well as continue to work on doubles plus 1 to 13 (Ex. If you know 6+6=12, then you would know that 6+7=13)  as well as review addition of +3 and +4 strategies, counting from 0-50 by 1s, counting back from 20, counting by 2s to 20 and counting by 5s and 10s to 50.   
You and Your World – In honour of Valentine’s Day, we will be discussing the qualities of a good friend (turn taking, politeness, sharing, patience, self control, kindness and manners).
 Information Items/Dates to Remember:
·         Feb. 22nd – Pink Shirt Day. Wear your pink shirt to help bring attention to the importance of being kind to others.
·         Feb. 24th – PD day for teachers.  No School for Students.
·         Grade 5 Student Council SPCA Fundraiser – please check the website to see the list of donations they will be accepting to help our local SPCA.
·         To find helpful information about what’s happening at our school, please access any of the following sites:
·         List 4 words and phrases.
·         We have noticed such great reading progress for those students who read their good fit books each night!  Great job, grade one – keep up the great effort!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call us at school, send a note in your child’s communication bag, or send an e-mail.
         Mrs. Piers                                           (506)453-5429                            janet.piers@nbed.nb.ca


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