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January 05
LHHS Orange Phase Update

The following is an important message to the LHHS Community

As of midnight tonight, January 5, 2021,  the entire province of New Brunswick will move to the Orange Alert Recovery Level. 

Our staff understands the stress and anxiety that this may cause and would like to assure you that the school continues to work closely with the school district and in conjunction with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to do our best in ensuring your safety, health, and well-being. 

The Orange alert phase means staff and students will be required to follow enhanced safety measures which, for the high school,  include increased mask use at all times, and which limits certain activities. Extra-curricular music activities, such as choir and band are not permitted. Sports activities are limited to practices within a single team. Full details of these directives are outlined in the Orange Level Directives for Early Learning and Childcare Facilities and Schools.

Orange Alert.pdfOrange Alert.pdf 

What does this mean for Leo Hayes Students and Staff?  

Effective tomorrow, all students and staff will be required to wear masks at all times, even in the classroom during instruction times.  The only time students will be allowed to remove the mask will be to eat their lunch/snack. During the last Orange alert phase our students were fantastic in the mask compliance piece.  Now that we are in the Orange phase we must insist that the compliance with the Public Health directives are followed correctly at all times.  I would ask that you discuss with your child the need to ensure they are wearing their masks at all times. Students also need to minimize their mask off eating time as much as possible. 

We also continue to work very hard at minimizing those allowed to enter the building. There have been hand sanitizer stations put at entrances and we are following our school operational plan and keeping this school as safe and secure as possible.

As a final note, I encourage all Leo Hayes families to be diligent with wearing masks, hand-washing, and physical distancing and please stay home if you are not feeling well. It is through these small actions that we can make a huge impact on keeping our community safe.

Thank you. ​


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