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January 30
LHHS Semester Two Updates

Good Afternoon LHHS Students and Families,

The following is important information about the return to school on Wednesday for our students.

With the announcement from the Province last week we will return to in-person learning effective Wednesday, February 2.

I wanted to bring a few items to your attention as we return.

Report Cards:  Report cards for semester one will be distributed to students on Wednesday.  Also, please note that PowerSchool Parent Portal will also be re-opened for those parents who have access and grades will be able to be seen there.  If you have any questions about your child’s grades please contact their teacher.

Cafeteria:  Please note that the cafeteria will open starting Wednesday, February 2.  New menu pricing is now in effect.  The menu is attached to this email for those who receive and will be attached to the LHHS website main page as well.  January Price list  Posting NB.pdfJanuary Price list Posting NB.pdf

Absences:  SchoolMessenger is the preferred method of reporting absences. Please report absences for your child in the following manner:

Need a SchoolMessenger account.  Please see this document: SchoolMessenger_SafeArrival_Family_Rev2_Editable LHHS.pdfSchoolMessenger_SafeArrival_Family_Rev2_Editable LHHS.pdf

1.       SchoolMessenger App

2.       SchoolMessenger Website

3.       Call toll-free 1-833-294-4838

Please use one of these preferred methods of reporting your child’s absence from school.  If you are unsuccessful you may call the school and leave a message but please note that this may result in delayed entry of data and a potential phone call home from the automated calling system.

As we return to school I would ask that you please review all the following information below that has come from District. 

Please note that mask wearing is crucial to our ability to control the spread of this virus.  Your child must come to school every day with a well-fitted mask and that mask must be worn properly at all times.  If students are not wearing masks appropriately even after being addressed from staff, further consequences from administration will apply.

With the provincial move to Level 2, LHHS will follow the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Level 2 guidelines in the Healthy and Safe Schools Winter Plan 9-12. By following this plan and being extra vigilant with mask-wearing, social distancing, hand-washing and self-monitoring, we are making our school as safe as it can be.

However, the continual rapid spread of the Omicron virus is still a concern, and it is anticipated that cases will rise over the coming weeks. If required, the school with the support of the district has a contingency plan to fill teacher and staff absences to minimize disruptions to student learning. A cancellation of classes or move to “learning at home” will be made for classes or schools only as a last resort if we are unable to safely operate or if Public Health advises us of the necessity to do so. It is very important that parents continue to notify their school if their child tests positive for Covid-19. In addition, the school district will provide daily updates on the Covid 19 Dashboard, as they have been doing for the past two weeks. The information on this dashboard may change as adjustments are made with provincial reporting expectations. 

As a reminder, in Level 2 of the Healthy and Safe Schools Winter Plan, masks are required in classes and common spaces and may be necessary outside if physical distancing between class groupings is not possible.

If your child develops a new or worsening symptom, please keep them home and register for a test. For the most up-to-date Covid-19 information, please visit the provincial Living with Covid-19 website​. If you have questions specific to your school, please contact your school directly. Questions regarding the current Covid-19 Winter Plan Guidelines can be directed to education.covid@gnb.ca.

Thank you everyone. 


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