FEC Stanley Consolidated > Teachers > Posts > LA 6 - Autobiography Project
October 16
LA 6 - Autobiography Project

Autobiography Project
Due: October 27
Purpose: to give a true account of a your life
Orientation: introduce yourself, share at least 3 important events in the your life, and the reason why you choose those events
Events: important events are described in a logical order (chronological, order of importance, etc) with a transitional flow between each event (think transition words)
Conclusion: includes a personal response or an evaluative statement.
Special Features: -  supplemental texts (interviews, awards, newspaper clippings, foreword, afterword)
                                      - dialogue (where needed)
                                      - include facts about yourself (brainstorm ideas using the graphic organizer)
Specifics: -       Project can be typed (double spaced with 12 point font) or your neatest handwriting (double spaced pen)
-       2 pages in length


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