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How-to & Hints
/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/news.pngAdd or edit SCHOOL NEWS

Hint: You can also post news directly using Microsoft Word or Email:
(include the term "from email" in subject line)


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/calendar.jpgAdd or edit a CALENDAR Event

Hint: Double Click on the calendar date and "Add"
AVOID: Do not use "All day event" - select a start and end time.


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/calendar.jpgAdd or edit a SPORTS EVENT

​​Hint: Double Click on the calendar date and "Add"
AVOID: Do not use "All day event" - select a start and end time.


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/staff.jpgAdd or edit a STAFF MEMBER

Hint: Ensure that you use fill in the "Category", "Position", etc. columns to the best of your ability.  Refer to others as examples.


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/documents75.pngAdd or edit a DOCUMENT

Hint: PDF files are best format for placing documents online.  You can easily convert Micr​osoft Word documents by clicking on FILE->SAVE AS, then choose the .pdf format.
Click on this link for more .pdf instructions.

Did you add a document by uploading a file as an attachment to a News item in one of these subsites
(News/Sports/Guidance/Club/Home&School/PSSC) but now want to DELETE that document?

Click on the appropriate link to delete:
DELETE an attached NEWS Document
DELETE an attached SPORTS Document
DELETE an attached GUIDANCE Document
DELETE an attached CLUB Document
DELETE an attached HOME&SCHOOL Document
DELETE an attached PSSC Document





/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/Video-Icon-Blue1.pngAdd or remove a VIDEO

​Hint: To change the video thumbnail use this address in the "Add thumbnail hyperlink":
(or change color to Red or Green, etc.)


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/camera.pngAdd or remove a picture to the PICTURE GALLERY

Hint: Try resizing the image prior to uploading. Create a new folder for new events


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/slideshow.pngAdd or remove a picture to the SLIDESHOW

Hint: Try resizing the image prior to uploading.  
This slideshow is for the pictures you really want to highlight.


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/sportsnews.pngAdd or edit news to the SPORTS blog

/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/guidancenews.pngAdd or edit news to the GUIDANCE blog

Hint: You can also post news directly using Microsoft Word or Email using this address:
(be sure to include "from email" in subject line)


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/clubnews.pngAdd or edit news to the CLUBS blog.

Hint: You can also post news directly using Microsoft Word or Email using this address:
(be sure to include "from email" in subject line)


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/pssc.pngAdd or edit a PSSC MEMBER
Hint: Please don't delete anyone, just edit the current member's name and year. 

/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/psscnews.pngAdd or edit PSSC news.

​​Hint: Click on "Manage Posts"


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/Homeandschoolmember.pngAdd or edit a H&S Member

Hint: Please don't delete anyone, just edit the current member's name and year.


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/homeandschoolnews.pngAdd or edit H&S News

​​​Hint: Click on "Manage Posts"


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/dailyschedule.pngEdit the Daily Schedule

Hint: Click on "Add New Item"​ or click on the Title to edit an item


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/audio-icon.pngAdd or edit an AUDIO file

Hint: some formats may work better than others.  WMA recommended.


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/schoolnewsvideo1.pngAdd or edit School News Video

Hint: Only use this if you have video NEWS announcements separately from school videos.


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/avatar1.pngEdit Principal's Message

Hint: Must upload the principal's image to school website first then copy/paste the image URL.


/sites/ASD-W/ssimages/missionvision.pngEdit the Mission & Vision Statements

Hint: Don't add a new item, just edit the current ones...


Add or edit a LINK

Ue the Add a Link or Edit a Link and the the Move Up, Move Down options.