Family and Child Education (FACE)
Family and Child Education Anglophone South (FACE AS) is a program which serves children and their families of the Anglophone School District South region
Some of the services they provide are:
screening and assessment
in-home visitation to provide developmental support
liaison with other community agencies and group parent support
administration of EYE-DA to all children registered for Kindergarten
provide follow-up and intervention for children who need transition to school support
Access to Integrated Service Delivery Child and Youth teams.
FACE also offers an infant attachment program and other parenting programs.
FACE administers the Developmental Childcare Program which provides funding support for children who are in preschool and are determined in need of extra assistance.
FACE has offices in Sussex, Saint John, Black’s Harbour, and St. Stephen.
Call their toll free number 1-855-383-5437 should you wish to discuss your child’s needs with one of their staff.