vintage.JPGBrown's Flat has long been the center of learning in the area. A number of small one-room schools served the early settlers. In the 1870's a larger school was built at the corner of Wallace Road and the Fredericton Highway. In 1934, this school was expanded to two rooms and began to operate as both an elementary and a high school known as Browns Flat Superior School. The high school population included students from Hampstead to Public Landing as well as those from the settlements in the present day Camp Gagetown.

In 1948, a new school was constructed on Wallace Road, the sight of the present day school. While still only a two-room school it was much larger having a playroom, indoor plumbing and a lunchroom. After the reorganization of the school districts in 1967, the high school students were bused to Grand Bay and later to Saint John so that Brown's Flat became an elementary school serving a larger area.
In 1987, the present school was opened with four classrooms and an art/music room. This room later became the kindergarten classroom, so that we now have 5 classrooms, a large, well-stocked Library, and a gym.
The school serves a diverse population from the communities of Greenwich, Brown's Flat, Jones Creek, Oak Point and Evandale. Nearly all students are bused and a 100% of the students stay for lunch.
For a small rural school there are many extra activities, such as track and field and school hockey. The community as a whole is very supportive of the school both in time and in fund raising. The school has a high level of student, staff and parent satisfaction. All three groups appreciate the uniqueness of our school and feel proud of our special, safe and welcome atmosphere.
The school also serves as a center for activities for the youth of the community;  Brownies, Sparks, Guides, and Cadets. In 1996, a Community Access Center was established in the school that has further expanded the use of the school for adults and youth. It is now closed.
The Home & School Committee has long been active and has provided support for the school activities and many extras such as hot lunches. As well, there is a large group of parents who are willing to assist the school at any time.
The objective of the school is to provide an atmosphere that will help students meet their potential both as learners and as individuals. Programs such as Student of the Month and Helping Hand Awards promote kindness, responsibility and helpfulness. The staff of the school is open to new techniques and ideas that will lead to improved academic performance. Close school/home contact is maintained. Tutors serve students who experience learning difficulties (both paid and volunteer), peer tutoring plus a Resource teacher. Because of the smallness of our staff, a team approach to student development is practiced. Problems and new ideas are discussed leading to solutions through varied techniques.
The present instructional staff of 4.3 teachers and .5 teacher assistant serves approximately 55 students. As mentioned previously, learning assistance is a priority with our staff. We strive for an inclusive school that serves the special needs of each child so that they are prepared for their next educational step having developed a sense of self-esteem and a determination to succeed. Our school motto- "Believe, Achieve, Succeed" -sums up our hope for our students.


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