We hope that this information will be helpful to you and your family
as you prepare for graduation activities. Please contact Mrs. Carhart
should you have any questions.
to Graduate
To be eligible to
graduate a potential graduate must successfully complete a minimum of 18 credits
(five of which must be taken at the Grade 12 level). The following credits are required to be part
of the 18:
· 3 English credits (two from Grade 11 and one Grade 12)
· 2 Mathematics credits
· 1 Modern History credit
· 1 Science credit
· 1 Fine Arts/Life Role Development
In addition to
the 18 credits the graduate must achieve a successful rating on the ELPA
(English Language Proficiency Assessment) which is administered in grade 9 with
retake opportunities in grades 11 and 12 for those students who were unsuccessful
in previous years.
Grad Fee
The Grad Fee is
a charge for each student who participates in grad-related activities to offset
the costs. These expenses include grad gown, diploma covers, photos etc. The Graduation/Student Fee for 2022 - 2023
is $100. This is comprised of a
student fee $50 and graduation fee $50.
Class Executive
The Grad Class
Executive is a group of students who volunteer throughout the year to take on a
leadership role in planning their prom and special events. They organize and
coordinate all aspects of the prom/events in conjunction with other interested
students and some faculty members, called grad class advisors.
Photos – October 17th
To be in the
Grad Class Composite, students need to have their photos taken by Flewelling
Photography. This can be done in studio
or at the school. For students wishing
to have their graduation photo taken at school they will occur during the week
of October 17th, 2022 at Simonds High School.
Grad Overnighter
– November 4th
This is an
event open to all Grade 12 students and is held at the school. The event is planned by the Grad Class
Executive and is a full night of fun activities and snacks. Our event this year will occur on November 4th,
2022 and is $15 per student.
Grade 12 Off
Campus Trip – June 8th
This is a fun
filled day open to all Grade 12 students. We provide transportation to and from
Camp Glenburn. This trip costs $20 per student
and includes lunch, activities, and transportation. Our event this school year will occur on June 8th, 2023.
Dinner – June 6th
This is a
delicious evening of homemade spaghetti, garlic bread, Caesar salad and dessert
for all our Grade 12 students, served by our staff. To participate students do need to sign up
in advance and this event is included in the graduation fee. Our spaghetti dinner is set for June 6th,
Prom –
June 19th
A magical night
held at Simonds High School is available to all grade 12 students. The cost per student/ticket is $40 paid in
advance. During this event we host a
Grand March, a ‘first dance’ with the significant other of the student’s choice
and a magical dance/evening for all. The
Class of 2023 Prom will be held on June 19th, 2023 beginning at
7:00 pm.
– June 21st
Our Graduation
occurs outdoors at Simonds High School.
This event includes a grad class photo opportunity and a garden party themed
day of celebration that embraces the beauty of our campus for all to enjoy and
make memories.
· Students graduate in group cohorts of up to 20 people
· Students/families can opt to attend the opening speeches or not
· Students/families can opt to participate in the class photo or not
· There are no limits to how many people can attend with the graduates
· The campus has multiple photo stations set for families/graduates to utilize·
· The school has professional photos taken for the event that will be made available for all after the event
Graduation will
take place on June 21st, 2023 at 9:30am (Rain Date June 22nd ,
Guidance Note
All graduates must sign a sheet in the Guidance Center by June 23rd indicating where you wish to have your final transcript forwarded. If you receive any bursaries or awards before graduation, inform your Guidance Counsellor. Graduates are reminded that any prizes, bursaries, or scholarships should be acknowledged with a letter of thanks. If you have any questions, please contact the Guidance Department.