
Seawood Hot Lunch Program
Organized and approved by the Seawood Parent Social Committee
Milk and lunch order forms are sent home with the students monthly for the entire month.  Hot Lunch is offered three times a week.  On Tuesday, we offer chicken nuggets, and dipping sauce from Domino's Pizza for $2.75.  On Wednesday Burger King - Hamburgers $2.50, Cheeseburgers $2.50 and Thursdays we offer pizza from Domino's Pizza 1 slice for $1.00.  Chocolate and white milk are also offered daily for $.40.  Information and order forms will be sent home at the end of each month to prepare for the next month order. (A printable order form will be posted on the website each month also.)  All orders must be sent into the school before the end of each month.  The exact payment should be sent as no change will be forwarded home.  Sorry no late orders will be accepted past the due date as they do cause a lot of problems with missed orders.
Hot Lunch and Milk Order Form May 5-june.pdfHot Lunch and Milk Order Form May 5-June.pdfHot Lunch and Milk Order Form May 5-june.pdfHot Lunch and Milk Order Form May 5-june.pdf