Hampton Elementary School

School Expectations

At Hampton Elementary School, we have co-constructed a schoolwide expectation matrix (S.O.A.R.) with our staff and students. It identifies our school’s essential behavior standards in all locations. This matrix therefore serves as a teaching tool schoolwide and in every location of the school:

Hawks S.O.A.R. Expectations.jpg

 Expectations of Parents:

1. Barring illness and legitimate absences, ensure your child attends school regularly, arrives on time, and has the materials required for the day. Inform the staff of any medical concerns and participate in the establishment of a plan to address the student’s needs.

2. Ensure your child is dressed to go outdoors at recess and noon. Write your child’s name on the label of their clothing.

3. Send a signed note to the teacher explaining all absences.

4. Show an interest in what your child is doing at school. Take time to talk about school daily; encourage a healthy attitude toward learning.

5. When your child’s story does not fit with your expectations, or you are concerned about one of our practices, contact the teacher directly to discuss the situation.

6. Provide a home for your children where they feel loved, where they feel safe from abuse or neglect, and where values of honesty and respect are practiced.