Morning Announcements
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Morning Announcements > Posts > Monday, June 3
June 03
Monday, June 3


This is a reminder of Grade 6 band afterschool today.
Singing Club participants are reminded to return their permission forms for our Elementary tour on Friday.
If your talent show audition is today, please wait outside the Music Room until it is your turn.
Would all track and field athletes please return your paperwork to Mr. Robichaud today.
Attention Varsity Girls Softball team – your game against Hampton has been moved from Tuesday to Wednesday this week.
Any Volleyball and Flag football player who has not returned your uniform – it is overdue – please bring it in right away.
Cougar Carnival will be Wednesday evening from 6:00-8:00pm.  We are looking for student volunteers who could help out with games.  Sign up sheet is posted on the office window.  Home & School is looking for gift card donations to be used as door prizes.  Please send in gift cards valued at $10 before Wednesday to Mme Spinks.
Best Buddies last activity of the 2018-19 school year is scheduled for Thursday, June 6th during Period 4. Please meet in the cafeteria after checking in with your period 4 teacher. You will be going to the field to play games and enjoy the sun.  Please see Mrs. Anderson if you have any questions.
This is the LAST WEEK to send in photos.   Digital pics can be sent to and a printed copy can be handed in to her in the office, it will be scanned and returned.  
Lost and found table will be cleared soon.  Please come collect your items.  Especially the waterbottles…


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