
Family and Child Education Anglophone WEST (FACE AW) is a program which serves children and their families of the Anglophone School District West region.  This is a not-for-profit agency which receives funding from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for children from ages 0-8 with developmental concerns.  They provide a range of service which may include in-home service through the support of their Early Childhood Educators, liaison with other agencies, and assistance with transition to school .  They also are responsible for the Developmental Childcare Program which provides funding support for children who are in preschool and are determined in need of extra assistance.  They deliver the Early Years Direct Assessment (EYE-DA) to all children in ASD-W prior to school entry and provide follow-up and intervention for children who need transition to school support.  They provide infant attachment programs for parents through a reflective based approach.  FACE also provides parenting programs and seeks ways to help parents connect with helpful community programs.   FACE has offices in Fredericton and Woodstock.

Call our toll free number 1-855-454-3762 should you wish to discuss your child’s needs with one of their staff.