WEC Nackawic Middle School > Mme. Campbell > Posts > This week


November 18
This week

​We are talking about procedural writing in FILA class, and are also examining the trait of structure within various texts. 

In Sciences, students need to be studying the various traits of vertebrates, along with invertebrates and arthropod notes.  There will be a quiz very soon...

Last day for bringing items in for the Christmas Child boxes is Wednesday, Nov. 19th.  Thank you so much to the people who brought in donations for our boxes.  As well, if there are any final school clothing orders, they are also being sent in Nov. 19th. 

There is a yellow half-sheet that will come home in students' agendas.  It is information about the parent survey regarding the new pilot report cards.  This survey closes next week. 

There will be no activity night in November, but there will be a semi-formal activity night on December 11th. 


Caractéristiques clés de la classe des vertébrés (2).docxCaractéristiques clés de la classe des vertébrés (2).docx


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