FEC Fredericton High School > Teachers > Posts > Entrepreneurship 110
April 23
Entrepreneurship 110

 Good Morning!  I hope you are all doing ok. Hopefully you are now finding a new normal, creating  a regular rhythm to your days.  This is certainly unprecedented, it will be one of those significant times, you will tell your children and grandchildren about.    What will you say?  Some of you have been working though this whole thing, as essential employees in grocery stores, Walmart, Tim Hortons or other fast food restaurants or as cleaning staff.  Many of you have picked up the slack at home looking after younger siblings while your parents navigate the demands of working online with young children.  Some have learned a new skill, cooking, sewing, painting, or creating trend-worthy tic-toks.   You are all amazing. 
First things First…. If any of you know of an FHS student who may be in our class or not who do not have access to a computer or internet to do schoolwork, could you please send me a private email (pamela.hatheway@nbed.nb.ca.)
The teachers are encouraging students to do the requirements for a credit for courses, which is to complete and submit course material.  I am offering that for this class.  If you don’t know what I am talking about, please refer to Mr. Thomas’s email to parents available on the FHS website.
I am going to post an assignment weekly on both the FHS website and the Teams site. 
April 20-24th Assignment 1.docxApril 20-24th Assignment 1.docx


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