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November 20
Husky update - November 20, 2022

We are seeing an increase in sick staff and students right now, everything from colds, flu and Covid. We encourage mask wearing to help keep everyone healthy, as well as lots of hand washing and social distancing when possible.

The SRC Reverse Advent Calendar Food Drive starts Monday, November 21. We hope all classes will participate and help make this important event a success!

Our Grades 7,8 and 9 students have their Immunization Day on Thursday, November 24. If you have any questions about this, please contact Sandra at the office.

The Tip-Off Basketball tournament pep rally is scheduled for Friday, November 25.

The deadline to order coffee for our SRC fundraiser is November 25. This can be done through School Cash Online, or with the order forms that were sent home with students.

K-8 report cards will go out December 1, and parent-teacher interviews for these grades are December 8-9.


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